Why Pet CBD Shouldn’t Contain THC

At Rover’s Wellness, the health of your pet is our priority. We aim to be as transparent as possible so you can rest assured in the knowledge that your pet’s care is in safe hands. No doubt you’ve seen us bragging about how all our products use CBD that contains absolutely no THC. This is because we know the negative effects THC can have on animals. We’ve decided to delve a little further so you too can understand why we’re so passionate about THC free CBD.
THC & Pets
Though marijuana can have positive effects on humans and dogs alike – appetite stimulation, pain relief, reduced nausea – these can sometimes be overshadowed by the negative side effects of THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. A big part to consider here is that your pet is unable to understand the experience, so they’re more likely to become distressed.
In the same way THC has an intoxicating effect on humans, it has a similar effect for your pet. Scientists have found that dogs have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains, making cannabis effects more acute. Although trace levels of THC might not be an immediate danger to your pet, it’s the build up within their system that can be the issue. Even a small dose of your regular full-spectrum oil could be too much for a pet, especially if they are a smaller breed. With little information on THC pet dosing, and the long-term impact THC has on animals, many experts err on the side of caution.
Side Effects of THC
Extreme Tension
Though commonly known to aid relaxation, THC in animals can have the opposite effect in high doses, causing their muscles to tense up.
Excessive Drooling
THC interacts with an animal’s gastrointestinal system, which can increase the amount of saliva in their mouth. Excessive drooling can also indicate that your pet is in pain.
Trouble Walking
THC can cause dizziness and vertigo in animals. THC poisoning in dogs can leave them feeling lethargic and cause them to sway while walking, making it difficult to take them for a walk.
Loss of Bladder Control
The prevalence of THC can loosen muscles, making your pet lose control of their bladder.
Too much THC can cause your pets to experience paranoia. It shows in their pacing or heavy panting. Consequently, their levels on anxiety are bound to increase, altering their personality. Their lack of awareness to what’s going on can make it much harder for them to understand and consequently can end up being a danger to themselves or others.
Abnormal Heartbeats
Ingesting too much THC can cause your pet’s body to go into overdrive. As a result, dogs can suffer from abnormal heartbeats, causing their heart to beat quickly and irregularly.
Warning Signs
Marijuana toxicity in dogs' symptoms is visible 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion and possibly sooner if inhaled, potentially lasting up to 24 hours or more depending on the accidental dose amount.
One of the most important steps to follow if you find your pet has ingested too much THC is to immediately take them to the vet. They will be able to provide adequate medical treatment to flush out the THC from their body while closely monitoring them.
CBD & Pets
CBD is the other major component of the cannabis plant and is non-psychoactive, making it widely accepted over recent years with vets and medical professionals alike. Research has shown that dogs can tolerate high doses of CBD with minimal, if any negative side effects but with a long list of possible health benefits.
All our products are infused with beneficial terpenes are cannabinoids. Working together, they bring your pet the benefits of true Broad Spectrum Hemp Oil, which includes naturally-occurring CBD, without the negative effects of THC.